BC Childress Uilleann Pipes
Maker of Bellows Blown Bagpipes. Specializing In the Irish Uilleann Pipes since 1987.
18 York St.
Kennebunk, ME 04043
Cell: (207)651-0096
Full Set of Uilleann Pipes: African Blackwood, Plated brass, Maximum Mounts and Ferrules, European Boxwood Mounts, Plated Nickel-Silver keys, Chanter Stop Key
Welcome to the web page of B.C. Childress Bellows Blown Bagpipes. I am sure, by now, that if you have come this far in exploring the notion of learning more about the Uilleann Pipes, you must be bitten pretty hard by.......... "The Bug!" . It is a magnificent instrument, and I don't just say that 'cause I love them.
They are also everywhere! Just flip the remote control on you television for a while. Go to the movies. Listen to NPR. Can't get away from them, can you? (providing you would want to.)
I hope this site will impart useful information about the Uilleann Pipes. You may be interested in purchasing a set. Or, you may just be curious. Either way, I get the privilege of telling you all about the instrument I (we) have come to love.
Student Model Practice Sets
Click Here for other Items for Immediate Sale and Delivery,
New Note as of January 29, 2008 Please Read Before Buying (or, if you already own a BC Childress Set of pipes):
For those who have AIM or Skype, and a PC-Camera, I would be happy to teleconference on any maintenance issues with you. My AIM username is: BCCPipes My Skype username is: BCPipes It is usually best to call me on my cell phone to set up the conference.
About the Uilleann Pipes
Photo gallery of sets I have made
Hand Rolled Nickel-Silver Ferrules
Price List (Effective August 1st, 2022)
Please read the "Terms of Purchase" thouroughly before making a deposit.
Terms of purchase
"Unprocessed" sound sample recordings
Lead time calendar (Last Revised: July 3, 2024
Online Payment.
I am now set up to take online payments. The payment button will direct you to a form on the Paypal Website. Calculate the total price of your purchase from the Price list. Divide by 2 for Deposit amount. (It can be used for balances, too.) Enter the deposit amount on the Paypal form, that the button will direct you to. The form will direct you from there. I would advise contacting me, by phone or email, before making on line payments.
© 2000 BC Childress Bagpipes. Pages, Sub-pages, Audio and Image files use by permission